Another option could be acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient, non-drug approach for regulating the body, treating and preventing disease and it can be very effective at treating the symptoms and underlying causes of hormonal imbalance.
Acupuncture is a means to regulate. As an acupuncturist, I turn a trained eye to identify imbalances within any bodily system whether it be digestive, respiratory, vascular, muscular, immune, or hormonal. While sometimes it is helpful to be told that a patient has a specific hormonal imbalance, my primary focus is on symptoms, and through the paradigm of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) I translate those symptoms into imbalances of Qi and Blood, or Yin and Yang. Symptoms can also inform which organ system (Kidney, Heart, Lung, Spleen or Liver) the imbalance derives from.
I begin each treatment with a detailed discussion of symptoms (onset, location, duration, severity, time of day or night, what makes it better or worse, and triggers) which helps determine the root of the imbalance. For example, depression, insomnia, and palpitations can point to the Heart system; fatigue and weight gain can point to Spleen; night sweating, hair loss and infertility can point to Kidney; irritability and anger point to Liver; and sweating during the day and frequent colds or allergies can point to Lung. After this differential diagnosis, I am armed to identify specific acupuncture points and protocols for each patient and the treatment begins.
Acupuncture and herbal therapies help by regulating, balancing, nourishing the affected organ systems. However, acupuncture is not a quick fix medicine. Depending on how long the condition has lasted it may need several weeks or months of regular treatments to improve. Dietary and lifestyle changes may also be necessary. Your job as a patient is to be honest, patient, and mindful of your symptoms and how they are changing and reacting to the treatments. My job is to listen and observe, reflect, connect and treat accordingly. Overall, acupuncture can help you feel more grounded, calm, balanced, rested, and restored.
If you know or suspect that you have a hormonal imbalance, make an appointment and see how acupuncture can help.